reWorked: the Workplace Inclusion Podcast

Series 4, Episode 6: Building safe spaces and harnessing psychological safety

June 25, 2021 EW Group: Diversity and Inclusion Consultancy

Securing an environment of respect in which your team is encouraged to think critically are essential threads weaving into the fabric of your inclusive culture. Feeling encouraged to speak up, challenge thoughts, and have difficult conversations are vital in workplaces – after all, the most cutting-edge, risk taking and creative of organisations stray away from a monolith of thinking and approaches. Feeling empowered to do this without facing embarrassment or hostility must be a given.

We’re joined in this episode by EW Group experts, Sharla Smith, Nina Mayler and David Ruebain, to explore the increasingly debated topics of safe spaces and psychological safety. Hear how they approach these themes differently and discover why they think work cultures build on safety are key.

Connect with Sharla, Nina and David on LinkedIn.

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EW Group has worked with organisations to build more diverse and inclusive cultures for almost thirty years. Get in touch to explore how we can work with you to build safe and inclusive environments at work.